But you haven’t clicked yes on any of the offers yet…
Let’s set up your subscription to your own hardware! Continue / remind me later?
Without windows and macos, we would all be divided on what is the better distro, but thanks to shitty corpo trash, we can unite to hate them together. Fuck windows!
“New device detected: mouse. Please wait…”
But the mouse is already working dude.
At least it doesn’t make us restart afterwards anymore.
“Mouse movement detected, please restart for changes to take effect.”
I wonder what I’ve said no to more all-time - Microsoft’s spy- and bloatware or the YouTube tv free trial.
Winrar licensing
Anyone remember the early Windows 10 update that booted back up with a black screen that said “Don’t Panic”?
That was the most panic inducing moment I’ve ever had with any PC.
I remember reading a post from some person who struggled with hallucinations and was absolutely creeped out when that large, semi-ominous text appeared on their laptop screen out of nowhere lol. Then again, this was on r*ddit, 97% chance they were making it up for upvotes.
I’m (well, I like to think I’m) a very stable person, and it freaked me right out.
You WILL set up Cortana or you WILL be put through the Setup Wizard
Boss/teacher: Is your project ready to present yet?
Linux user, still tweaking colors and theme options in their DE after 4 years: Let me finish setting up my device!