As someone who just removedd through the Zig docs (take this with a mountain of salt), Zig has a few things going for it:
spec is simple and closer to C in scope
modern language design, toolchain, and overall ergonomics
Go-like struct & interface system
1st-class C interoperability
Go foists co-routines on you and the runtime, and Rust has the borrow checker. Both of these things deeply impact language design, standard libraries, and the overall developer experience. So Zig might actually be a “more modern C” in many ways which makes it a contender. That said, it’s not a 1:1 comparsion since it lacks everything else that C++ does: you’d have to re-envision your software designs as something other than OOP if that’s what you’re used to.
Before the memory safety craze, Rust was hyped as a functional programming language, meaning it not only has lambdas and monads, but also const by default, which will force you to rethink all your programming decisions. Also no classes, so you do even more rethinking.
As someone who knows neither of the three: Why Zig over Rust as a Cpp replacement?
As someone who just removedd through the Zig docs (take this with a mountain of salt), Zig has a few things going for it:
Go foists co-routines on you and the runtime, and Rust has the borrow checker. Both of these things deeply impact language design, standard libraries, and the overall developer experience. So Zig might actually be a “more modern C” in many ways which makes it a contender. That said, it’s not a 1:1 comparsion since it lacks everything else that C++ does: you’d have to re-envision your software designs as something other than OOP if that’s what you’re used to.
Rust has its own issues.
Before the memory safety craze, Rust was hyped as a functional programming language, meaning it not only has lambdas and monads, but also const by default, which will force you to rethink all your programming decisions. Also no classes, so you do even more rethinking.
I don’t just rethink my programming decision but all my life decisions every night. Seem like Rust is the perfect language for me.