Well, I have seen 2 Labradoodles from the same nest. Two familymembers decided to take one.
They both bark at every little fucking sound, no matter what you do, they both have random moments where they could start biting you.
One of them is just straight up agressive if a man makes a sudden move and needs to be locked up if I come to do a small job in the house.
They definitely need to be trimmed and their behavior issues are very annoying. So if this guy regrets making Labradoodles? Me too, buddy, I regret you actions too.
Not to be an asshole, but that also could be that your family are just not good dog owners, I am a bad one too and if I didn’t have a calm, adorable rescue dog I’d probably have a dog with shitty behavior too.
You’re not an asshole. The way you treat a dog makes a huge difference. Unfortunately these two are treated like kids. One of the family members wanted to get a husky at first, at least we managed to steer them away from that.
So yes, they are also not good dog owners. But we also had labradors and they were treated the same but never were agressive. Never. Dumb? Absolutely. Happy goofballs? Absolutely. And a lot better as doodles.
Both of the doodles have issues with allergies and skin stuff. And food. They are very peculiar about the food. Allergic to half of it, and some of what they can handle they just don’t eat because they don’t like it.
Both family members have racked up considerable cost at the vet. The health issues are real. Especially when we did not have the different energies figured out.
And really, what kind of dog is allergic to fucking grass? Grass, of all things??
TLTR: don’t get a doodle, get a real dog. And train it properly. Cheers.
Well, I have seen 2 Labradoodles from the same nest. Two familymembers decided to take one.
They both bark at every little fucking sound, no matter what you do, they both have random moments where they could start biting you.
One of them is just straight up agressive if a man makes a sudden move and needs to be locked up if I come to do a small job in the house.
They definitely need to be trimmed and their behavior issues are very annoying. So if this guy regrets making Labradoodles? Me too, buddy, I regret you actions too.
Not to be an asshole, but that also could be that your family are just not good dog owners, I am a bad one too and if I didn’t have a calm, adorable rescue dog I’d probably have a dog with shitty behavior too.
You’re not an asshole. The way you treat a dog makes a huge difference. Unfortunately these two are treated like kids. One of the family members wanted to get a husky at first, at least we managed to steer them away from that.
So yes, they are also not good dog owners. But we also had labradors and they were treated the same but never were agressive. Never. Dumb? Absolutely. Happy goofballs? Absolutely. And a lot better as doodles.
Both of the doodles have issues with allergies and skin stuff. And food. They are very peculiar about the food. Allergic to half of it, and some of what they can handle they just don’t eat because they don’t like it.
Both family members have racked up considerable cost at the vet. The health issues are real. Especially when we did not have the different energies figured out.
And really, what kind of dog is allergic to fucking grass? Grass, of all things??
TLTR: don’t get a doodle, get a real dog. And train it properly. Cheers.