You found it 👍
This large document include pinout for the 20 pins package and it is somewhat complicated since each pin may have many uses … it would be hard to imagine (for me) what would the 8 pins package pinout would look like !
I couldn’t find the actual pinout for the 8 pin package, but the block diagrams make me think they’re power, ground, and 6 general purpose pins which can all be GPIO.
Other functions, like ADC, SPI and I2C (all of which it has) will be secondary or tertiary functions on those same pins, selected in software.
So the actual answer you’re looking for is basically that all of the pins are everything, and the pinout is almost entirely software defined
You found it 👍 This large document include pinout for the 20 pins package and it is somewhat complicated since each pin may have many uses … it would be hard to imagine (for me) what would the 8 pins package pinout would look like !
I couldn’t find the actual pinout for the 8 pin package, but the block diagrams make me think they’re power, ground, and 6 general purpose pins which can all be GPIO. Other functions, like ADC, SPI and I2C (all of which it has) will be secondary or tertiary functions on those same pins, selected in software.
So the actual answer you’re looking for is basically that all of the pins are everything, and the pinout is almost entirely software defined