all ya’ll admitting to ironing your clothes in the comments are a bunch of dweebs, just saying.
Said ye who has not experienced Extreme Ironing.
As a millennial I still iron some clothes, especially for occasions I wanna look nice! I even got a Lil ironing board for it :3
Banning elbows not being allowed on the table and hats not being allowed indoors are also wins for me
I’m gonna be the Debbie downer and mention that no-iron clothes have synthetics in them, the washing of which is a major contributor to the microplastics problem.
All clothes are no-iron clothes if you DGAF enough :)
This is the way.
All you gotta do it hang the shirts up, guys. That’s it. Gravity is nature’s iron.
But make sure you do so quickly after the dryer is done. Otherwise they’ll cool down and the creases will set.
I’d rather not follow any advice you give, MindTraveller. Thanks.