
  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • That… actually explains the logic of this lawsuit for me. I still disagree and think they’re overly litigious fucks, but I think I might understand a less malicious argument for it. If someone mods a see 'n say to have a different audio track and slaps some new stickers on it, that’s still a see 'n say, right? The mechanism is fundamental to the product - a see n say is the spinning wheel -> random noise and Pokemon is video game where you throw balls at wild not-animals to catch them and use them to battle people. There’s a difference between a toy that’s heavily inspired by another one and being an edgy five year old with a firearm sticker pack who gives them to the cows and chickens and sheep.

    I really have more of a games as art philosophy though, and I’ll just point to the works of Andy Warhol and Marcel Duchamp to make my argument here, my edible just kicked in.

  • They might have been asking about methane production, that’s a big topic for cattle because it’s a very potent greenhouse gas and having a lot of cattle produces a lot of methane - and it’s a byproduct of how their digestive systems work and all ruminants, sheep included, have that problem to some degree.

    I wasn’t able to find a definitive answer, but per animal sheep aren’t as bad, but it’s due to their smaller size and if western countries kept eating the same amount of meat but ate more sheep (due to it being cheaper from the demand for sheep condoms, lol) instead of beef I’m not sure it would be better. (Replacing chicken with sheep would definitely be worse though.)