give those monroe institue gateway tapes a spin, I am more than my physical body because, etc
give those monroe institue gateway tapes a spin, I am more than my physical body because, etc
then we need something new and hot and flashy to communicate on. Why not make it a way to work together too? This sounds like a good idea, if you know of a good way to make this system then you’d have my vote
Can someone explain this, this post doesn’t make sense to me
you might try a Valerian Root extract tincture. Just make it your self with ethanol everclear and some Valerian Root, make it strong.
then have some before bed and odds are that you’ll be well out. But don’t buy a crap version, get a good strong one or just make it yourself, it’s easy.
the book ’ reality switch technologies’ goes into some detail about how different drugs influence our precepetion of reality and what it might be bound in. I think you would like it