Why would an American be mentioning GDPR?
Why would an American be mentioning GDPR?
Yes, I was aware though under the impression of improving geospatial and mapping models. There are many ways in which we are now entwined into these systems and so it’s a matter of deciding, on a personal level, what you are comfortable with.
I am certainly not comfortable with the data going to Saudi Arabia where access to such is used for active suppression and harm.
Maybe it was a naive viewpoint at the time, but the climate of 2016 was very different to what it is now.
Yip, absolutely. Which is why I’m moving away from big tech products (one of the reasons I’m on Lemmy!).
Saudi Arabia is considerably worse though for LGBT rights so I don’t think there is any benefit in pushing whataboutism in this case. Both are awful, one is definitively more so.
Location data? Yeah, naively I was since I’d previously been fine with Niantic’s work with Ingress. Hindsight is 20/20 though.
Yes, absolutely, which is why I’m moving away from those services. This just speeds things up in the case of PoGo since Saudi Arabia has has been much, much more blatant and apparent with this in prior years (c.f. The tragic case of Eden Knight).
For myself, it is much more about the ties to Saudi Arabia given that the country and government aren’t all too happy with LGBT people.
Niantic and Google are (were?) not companies with very strong links to the Saudi Arabian government.
I’ve seriously reconsidered how much I use Google in recent months, but Google and Niantic aren’t owned by a government that is incredibly repressive and discriminatory of people like myself.
I’m a level 50 Pokémon Go player, who has played since release day, and that’s the app deleted.
Next up will be requesting removal of my data under GDPR.
That is because “the left” might have a few members that just so happen to be better read and have considered some of Popper’s writings.
On such a note, I presume these right-leaning opinions aren’t about the virtues of conservative fiscal policy?
There are many right wing views, views that are now sadly becoming more and more mainstream, that should not be tolerated. If right wingers had faced actual consequences when espousing their hatred of minorities, we might not be looking at a US government that wants to cozy up to Putin and distance their long term allies while stripping away the rights of US citizens.
They aren’t and, if they were, is that a problem?
Look at what right-wing echo chambers have led to. Look at what the “centrist” internet has led to.
Its 2025 and there are still people on the Fediverse convinced that the problem is the “left”. Utterly divorced from reality.
Do you sit with your head turned to the side when using the mouse and keyboard? 😱
Ahh, phrenology is apparently scientific if you do it with AI?
I fucking hate this timeline
Ahhh, Semiosis had it right all along!
Christ, what an asshole