Which Reddit thread did this meme come from again? I know I recognize it but can’t recall the origin.
Which Reddit thread did this meme come from again? I know I recognize it but can’t recall the origin.
Monkey’s paw moment: they’re for STIs rather than mental disorders.
True of ads for literally anything. It’s a race to nowhere.
Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me. Er… wait… That’s… Hmm.
None. Remember that the response is AI generated. It’s probabilistically created from people’s writings. There are strong relations between that command and other ‘dangerous commands.’ Writings about 'dangerous commands ’ oft contain something about how they should ‘only be run by someone who knows what they are doing’ so the response does too.
They often end up with bits of stuff stuck to them while they’re wet, like feathers, bedding, etc. Poop isn’t uncommon either. The same people who won’t buy salmon unless it has that freshly dyed pink color, and won’t buy potatoes if they aren’t universally convex, balk at the bits that remind them they come from a real place and aren’t just summoned into existence for their sake. Washing the eggs takes off the bits but also the ‘bloom’ which is the natural barrier to bacteria and the like. Hence, refrigeration.