An evocative image that truly captures a genuine facet universal to the gem of human experience, for in the gulf between every one of us lies some kind of weird ghost thing fuckin up the steez
An evocative image that truly captures a genuine facet universal to the gem of human experience, for in the gulf between every one of us lies some kind of weird ghost thing fuckin up the steez
The sun be crazy. Like, it’s more or less a self-sustaining explosion that’s so far away the energy of it takes almost ten minutes to cross the void to us, but is still so powerful it can burn and blind you if you’re exposed to it for too long. And the effects are only that minor because our magnetosphere blocks most of the solar wind. That wind is coming at us at almost a million miles per hour
Since we’re in a science-themed shitpost area, I’d just like to take this moment to be both pedantic and gross in reminding folks that llamas and alpacas don’t just spit, they vomit into their mouths before givin’ it that hawk tuah