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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


    1. Wealth tax does not block economic growth, rather the opposite, because it forces wealth to be reinvested to not lose too much value.
    2. You clearly need a lesson in proportional taxation if you think people would have their personal property appropriated.
    3. I do not give a fuck about you placing your dignity in ownership of material assets, that is a you problem.
    4. The top 10% pay less income taxes as a fraction of their income than the bottom 10%.
    5. Really, we should remove the capitalist class because they will fight back to the detriment of everyone else.
    6. I do not give a fuck about the IRS. I am not an American. My country actually has a wealth tax.
    7. You are repeating misinformation and capitalist propaganda with little understanding of what you are saying. Have you even reflected on what “the economy” really is? If you are a trickle-down Reaganomics-follower, you might want to get your brain checked.

  • GitHub has long sought to discredit copyleft generally. Their various CEOs have often spoken loudly and negatively about copyleft, including their founder (and former CEO) devoting his OSCON keynote on attacking copyleft and the GPL. This trickled down from the top. We’ve personally observed various GitHub employees over the years arguing in many venues to convince projects to avoid copyleft; we’ve even seen a GitHub employee do this in a GitHub bug ticket directly.

    You only need to know that corporations do not like copyleft to know it is good. The same goes with capitalists and wealth tax / inheritance tax.