my opinion: it’s not stealing in the Classic sense because if you copy something you don’t take it away from its owner. it might be against the law because intellectual property is a concept.
my opinion: it’s not stealing in the Classic sense because if you copy something you don’t take it away from its owner. it might be against the law because intellectual property is a concept.
fairphone Support is really helpful. try it even without warranty if the screw thing doesnt work
for this reason I waited for the Fairphone 5 which is responsive, has an oled display and the components Work without issue. have had it for a year and am looking forward to still using it in 6 years from now
another advantage of the glorious fairphone
inaccurate. I don’t own a suit or an impressive jawline although I am using fedora
i think the biggest issue is that you only can buy it on playstation (for 80€ no less) and epic. I would love to play it but am not willing to pay any money via the epic store which doesnt even have a linux client