Half of software engineers don’t know what a POST is either
Half of software engineers don’t know what a POST is either
He was 100000% assassinated
I’m very interested in this info; thanks. What OS and phone are you using? Graphene/Pixel? I desperately want to be off of Google. Apple is not an option.
I am going to transition to Infomaniak for cloud (dumping Proton, wtf Proton), but mobile is still a big question for me
Me too. I feel dirty
Snapper. But you also install Snapper on other distros.
Outlook and Teams have PWAs that are actually more performant than the desktop apps (anecdotal). They are missing some features, but for the opportunity to use Linux at work, I make it work. Have to use Ubuntu for some unknown reason, but it’s better than using Windows
“Far-left” and “Democrat” do not belong in the same sentence, ignoramus. Get educated. You can actually read, presumably. Deprogram yourself. You can actually do it. If I could do it at 12, you can do it today
Theory? It’s just vibes-based politics with these people. They don’t actually think lol.
Your comment is good btw; I’m not attacking you
They should both be high compliments imo
Great failure of Pauline (🤡🤡🤡🤡) discourse: actions don’t matter, only faith. Bitch nothing in your head matters, only what you do is consequential. Motherfucker destroyed Christianity before it even had a chance get started
It can also be used to mean a singular cogged wheel