Scale is off as well. That axe is ant-size compared to the firewood in the foreground. Not to mention the fire hazard of starting a campfire so close to a stump, the lack of smoke, …
Scale is off as well. That axe is ant-size compared to the firewood in the foreground. Not to mention the fire hazard of starting a campfire so close to a stump, the lack of smoke, …
You get the snoot AND the boots? I call that an absolute win!
Fun fact, pollution makes sunset colors more vibrant.
Can’t focus on mental problems if you’re too busy reinstalling arch.
Well it wasn’t so much paranoia as obsession. The person who found it wasn’t paranoid, they just went “Why is my connection taking a quarter of a second longer than it used to? This is unacceptable!!!”
Off the commercial off the shelf “smart” TVs available, I started by looking at the OSes available. Choices were Roku, webOS, Tizen, and Google TV. I immediately ruled out Roku because of their recent changes to terms&conditions. webOS is pretty much limited to LG TVs, and I had bad experiences with LG warranties, so I ruled that out. Tizen (Samsung) was out for similar reasons, so that left me with Google TV. It’s… OK. Doesn’t require Internet connection to work, and doesn’t nag me about it. And it came with a hardware switch to turn off the microphone. Not sure if that’s a brand thing (Hisense) or applicable to all Google TV devices, but was reassuring.
A great adventure is waiting for you ahead. Hurry onward beetle, or you will soon be dead. The journey before you may be long and filled with woe. But you must escape the frog’s ass, or your tale can’t be told.
It’s probably 4 or 8 GB actual RAM, with the rest being effectively swap.
Does registry still have that problem of making it practically impossible to do garbage collection on old images?
Ever seen a spider molting? It’s practically 2.
Not a stupid question at all. Here’s the Wikipedia article for it. The significant part is this:
The 5-dimensional discs [have] tiny patterns printed on 3 layers within the discs. Depending on the angle they are viewed from, these patterns can look completely different. This may sound like science fiction, but it’s basically a really fancy optical illusion. In this case, the 5 dimensions inside of the discs are the size and orientation in relation to the 3-dimensional position of the nanostructures. The concept of being 5-dimensional means that one disc has several different images depending on the angle that one views it from, and the magnification of the microscope used to view it. Basically, each disc has multiple layers of micro and macro level images.
Moore’s law is about circuit density, not about storage, so the premise is invalidated in the first place.
There is research being done into 5D storage crystals, where a disc can theoretically hold up to 360TB of data, but don’t hold your breath about them being available soon.
That’s uBlock Origin Lite, which the developer already stated is grossly inadequate for ad blocking.
You’re going to start a fight with the doas
Missing the -i
Still not as bad as chmod -R 777
Is a chicken egg an egg laid by a chicken, or an egg that if fertilized would hatch into a chicken?
Martok learned that lesson the hard way.