Dozen (read: doesn’t)
(states of) Matter
Dozen (read: doesn’t)
(states of) Matter
Sorry, I though my comment was sufficiently self-humerous 😅
Of course custom configs are not suitable for anyone but the config-urator. Hence, custom configs :D
All DEs are jank. The only good DE is the tiling wm I put 10k lines of config into.
Don’t get me wrong, that’s also janky, but it’s my fault jank.
I recommend using Usenet for German stuff, all the private trackers I have tried in the past were… seedy.
Yes, you need to pay for access to the Usenet, but it’s worth it for German language audio IMO.
Check out, no need to pay to search there. Check if everything you need is available, though likely, it will be.
I have not had a failed download yet.
Matrix does have stickers
As others have said, you can completely disable the stock launcher through ADB commands. At that point, if you hit home, you’ll be asked which app to perform that action with. Select your launcher, click “Always”, and done.
We get birthdays off, not counting towards the 30 days paid holidays, which is completely separate from unlimited paid sick days. Oh, and also since last Wednesday, the entire company is on holidays, we’re back 2nd week of January. Doesn’t count towards the 30 days, of course 👍
Newer bathrooms here just don’t have doors. Just two right angles. Can’t see in from the outside, but don’t need to touch a door handle.
It’s perfect.
Vikunja seems to check all your boxes
You can even just do Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V.
It somehow feels… Wrong, but it just works.
This isn’t philosophy anymore, it’s just game theory
Haven’t tried todo lists yet, but I would imagine they are similarly hassle-free.
The only annoyance I have is that DAVx is required at all, but I’d suspect that’s an Android/Google issue? IDK.
But anyways, this setup works flawlessly for me.
deleted by creator
Thunderbird doesn’t even need a plugin. Just “add new calendar” > “on the network” > enter the URL. Done.
Same for contacts.
Not completely, but yes. But in pan with some oil and fry them, as you’d do with the Gunciale
I’ve recently been enjoying this recipe:
And my go-to is to make Carbonara, but replace the Lancaster/Guanciale with 2-3 of the outer, leathery savoy leaves cut into black width strips (vegetarian carbonara, basically).
Had both. So many people here have recommended different Brussels sprout recioes that I want comment on this. But steamed or boiled broccoli just sucks compared to seared or roasted.
Salad + garlic bread. Final offer.
Hi. I’m German. I bake my own bread. My parents bake bread. My brother bakes bread.
We freeze the bread after it’s cooled down from being baked.
You know why?
Because that way, it’s great even weeks later.
Sure, nothing beats bread that’s just out of the oven. But honestly, I think I prefer bread that’s been frozen and reheated even to bread that’s only 1-2 days old.
Waaaaaay Less stale.