I don’t care about anyone’s hair. Maybe you misread my comment? You can sub in any action performatively done in response to a “no”.
Your misreading of my comment is toddler core.
I don’t care about anyone’s hair. Maybe you misread my comment? You can sub in any action performatively done in response to a “no”.
Your misreading of my comment is toddler core.
Anybody (of any gender) that perfomatively does something solely out of spite is toddler core.
“My girlfriend told me she doesn’t like mullets so I got a mullet lol”
“My dad says I’m not allowed a tattoo so now I want one even more!”
Toddler core.
Vegan diets are popular in third world countries because they’re considerably cheaper. Meat is cheap in western countries because it’s very often subsidized by governments. Meat consumption by wealth proves eating animals is a luxury.
Also veganism mantras always have “as far as is practicable”. I bought a Samsung phone because Fairphones don’t work here in Australia.