100% … The quicker men and women stop treating individuals like men and women are all that different outside constructed social systems, the happier everyone will be.
I just blurt it out when my wife asks. It’s always the most mundane, unrelated shit. I’ll be thinking about what drove Mike Myer’s choice to make Shrek Scottish. That said, she doesn’t stress over what I’m thinking about. She’s not insecure. She just wonders what’s going on in the box sometimes. I’ll have that look. My wife is great.
first off, that’s a vast generalization
2nd off, that’s totally me and my sibling. She’s the “learn everything so you can look normal” autistic and I’m the “oo look a worm!! 🪱🥰” autisticThank you for sharing the worm.
What’s the point of making over generalizing statements like this?
Relatable humor. The women in my life ask me about what I’m thinking often enough that it made me chuckle, mostly because being asked results in forgetting what I was thinking about if it was a passing thought.
In this case it is poking fun at the stereotype, which is true just often enough for it to be funny. Kind of like the memes where the two are in bed and she assumes the worst and he is thinking about Pokemon or something else innocuous.
“Vhat are you… sinking about?”
Learning not to take everything so seriously.
Never take everything everything seriously! 80% of the time!
Forcing interaction
Let’s intensify that interaction:
Women prefer meeting bears over men in the woods.
If you meet a bear in the woods today, you met a bear. If all day long all you meet is bears…
you’re also a bear.
That’s a lot of bears. One could even say it sounds overbearing…
Sometimes people disagree with your political opinions. 🤯🤯🤯
Impossible. Any political opinion other than my own must be garbled propaganda.I can’t explain it otherwise…
It’s important to poke at those in power to try and level the playing field.
Do they wonder what men are thinking? Or do they know exactly what they are thinking and it’s the worst case scenario every time?
Boomer millenial take.
tf is a boomer millennial?
Boomers call zoomers millennials and zoomers call millennials boomers.
Where is the gibberish to English translation option?
(>Old people are unrelatable, so they can fuck off.<)
Gibberish to English Translation brought to you by Carl’s Jr.
And now I feel old.
You missed an entire generation there. Though I’m not entirely sure if I should be offended.
Don’t complain, Gen X might be forgotten but at least you don’t get shit on lol.