I like the phrase “alpha as fuck”
52% upvoted
You can shitpost about anything, but not their sacred right to eat industrial meat.
Good job op.
What I’ve been finding so far about lemmy is that if I post something vegan that puts all the blame on corporations, the upvotes come rolling in. But anything else is either closer to a 1:1 ratio, or downvote abyss.
Those upvotes must really put the dopamine in your brain. Considering they’re worthless on the fediverse
lol this “us vs them” mentality is what keeps the meat industry strong. If Vegan’s weren’t insufferable the entire meat industry would’ve died in ‘07.
Im sure it would buddy.
Im pretty sure you yourself know how untrue that is. People who eat meat do so mainly out of habit. Habits get engraved in your personality in a way that your ego will defend them to the death. If anyone or anything tries to change or question your habits, your ego interprets that as a personal attack.
Its not really their fault, they have all the necessary information but cant overcome the habit hurdle. It depends strongly on your surroundings and how open you are to new things. It is not in our nature to question things that ‘have always worked this way’.
Someone is victim blaming vegans for the meat industry propaganda.
I’m pretty sure you can do vegan keto, it’s literally just eating even more beans than normal
There is a vegan keto, and at least one study has found it to not have the same harms that other variants of keto has. The problem there is that it’s an extremely restrictive diet, so good luck to anyone trying to stick to that.
Aside from the one legitimate use it has - alleviating seizure symptoms - keto is just plain a diet that makes no sense for humans whatsoever.
Carbs are good but being vegan makes you brittle and weak
You mean like these weaklings?
Lol, they’re so rare you have to make a list of vegan athletes. This is a prime example of the exception proving the rule.
It’s a sample size issue. What percentage of people make the effort to get swole? It’s maybe (maybe not) a similar figure to how many vegans bother to get strong. Now what percentage of all people are vegan? Estimates range from 1% to 10%, with 3-5% being probably the most reasonable estimate.
But you’re the one making the claim without backing it up. Vegans can get all the protein they need, even when strength training. And the best part is we do it without the heart disease, cancer risk, and autoimmune diseases.
I’m hearing excuses. I’m not the original commenter, I’m not making the frail and brittle claim.
Umm, yes you are.
Found the vegan.
How do you know when someone is a vegan?
Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.
How do you know if someone is a carnist? They will show that they’re obsessed with vegans.
LMFAO are you going through posts mentioning vegans looking for people to argue with? Whoosh.
That is true because people need to be educated on what’s ethical.
You’re arguing with a stranger in the comments under a six month old post with zero score. You’re here because you went looking to pick a fight. You’re either a troll or just a sanctimonious asshole. Good luck winning anyone over with that approach.
The immature comment I expect from a Carnist.
Funny, but just as untrue and offensive as OPs meme. I dont understand how people dont see that and keep being offended while offending 10x harder.