About how far does this leave us from a usable quantum processor? How far from all current cryptographic algorithms being junk?
About how far does this leave us from a usable quantum processor? How far from all current cryptographic algorithms being junk?
That may well be the thing I’m looking for, thanks for the pointer!
You don’t understand because I didn’t state why 😅 I have enough time and energy to set up and manage containerised applications. 20 years ago I might have had the drive to set up a local dev version, manage the dependencies and set up local init scripts, but not anymore.
KDE Connect is a great idea, thanks!
And now I flap. Into your face. I flew right into your big lamp, it looks just like that thing in space.
Let’s not be too hasty to call it garbage when it could in fact turn out to be rancid dog shit.
BTRFS, wasn’t that Dennis Rader 🤔
But what news of the console legs race?
I’m getting the impression he worked with brass balls
Google speed running enshittification over here 👉👉
I am not renting my corporeal existence from a megacorporation. There is no way this is ever affordable to the masses without some pretty huge caveats
He truly is the Holy Farter
It is the horseshoe crab of trees
Given the right conditions, some plants can live indefinitely. Others die shortly after seeding.
Do plants die of old age though? Now that question has been put in my head, I need to know.
Be back in a bit, going down a rabbit hole.
I’d forgotten all about Google+ until you made this observation