Egg…like literally everything has egg in it. Sorry I got interrupted mid post. But I’m gonna go read all the comments. Some alternative photography processes use egg whites or yolks to sub or apply a layer to the film.
Yellow pasta usually has eggs added, but eggs are not essential. As well as ignoring the eggs you can also substitute with spinach or tomatos (or squid ink or cocoa).
Only fresh pasta is made with eggs, dry pasta typically doesn’t use eggs. It’s semolina durum wheat and water, pushed through copper dies and then dried.
You’ll never believe what pasta is made of
Egg…like literally everything has egg in it. Sorry I got interrupted mid post. But I’m gonna go read all the comments. Some alternative photography processes use egg whites or yolks to sub or apply a layer to the film.
Durum wheat semolina and water.
Wow! I didn’t even know those things exited before reading the comments lol.
Durum wheat and water.
Huh I didn’t know that thanks for informing me
Yellow pasta usually has eggs added, but eggs are not essential. As well as ignoring the eggs you can also substitute with spinach or tomatos (or squid ink or cocoa).
Yeah but have you seen the price of squid ink these days?!
I must have got mine cheap cos it was 6 quid.
Liberals’ tears!
Only fresh pasta is made with eggs, dry pasta typically doesn’t use eggs. It’s semolina durum wheat and water, pushed through copper dies and then dried.