As a person who has been shit posting for at least a decade at this point, 99% of shit posting is either just saying something stupid on purpose or being a cunt to someone.
“Shitposting is an art” is some shit a dweeb says online to make themselves look interesting because “I like to say dumb shit for attention” sounds a lot worse.
Like sure, sometimes it’s funny to be a cunt to someone online (within reason) but let’s not pretend it’s something profound.
Furthermore, the fact that it’s not something profound but just dumbass behavior done for laughs is the reason it can be misunderstood by honest dumbasses.
I’ll defend shitposting here, because I think you’re simplifying it a bit too much.
Shitposting is so much more than “saying dumb stuff for shits n’ giggles”. First of all, as with anything else, there are good and bad shitposts. A good shitpost usually contains a solid undertone of irony or sarcasm. An important part of the humour is not just in “being dumb” it’s about using a statement that is dumb in a very specific way in combination with a specific context in order to create something funny.
Furthermore, a good shitpost uses exaggeration in a good way. The reader should preferably be “lured into” the post, not realising it’s a shitpost, before the notch is turned to 11 revealing that it was a shitpost. This adds an extra layer of humor and social commentary: The fact that the post at first seems believable forces you to recon with what kind of things you would actually believe someone could write. It also makes the target of the humor clear.
Shitposting may not be high art, but calling it “just being a cunt to someone” is missing the mark. “Just being a cunt to someone” is exactly that, and it’s not shitposting.
To be fair, I didn’t expect you to respond at all, and really just wanted to point out that calling a stranger you know nothing about a “dweeb” in response to something they wrote is a prime example of “just being a cunt to someone”. You didn’t need to respond, but you chose to do so by being a cunt.
Regardless, I think you missed some of the sarcasm in what I was writing (which, in hindsight, isn’t very clear). My point isn’t that shitposting is some form of high art. It’s that it’s a form of humor that amounts to more than saying provocative stuff or being a cunt. At it’s best, a shitpost can even contain some social commentary in the same way as caricatures can. Of course, as with all other humor, there are plenty of bad shitposts out there too, which are often just trolls trying to stir up shit.
I might get cooked for this but it’s just not.
As a person who has been shit posting for at least a decade at this point, 99% of shit posting is either just saying something stupid on purpose or being a cunt to someone.
“Shitposting is an art” is some shit a dweeb says online to make themselves look interesting because “I like to say dumb shit for attention” sounds a lot worse.
Like sure, sometimes it’s funny to be a cunt to someone online (within reason) but let’s not pretend it’s something profound.
Furthermore, the fact that it’s not something profound but just dumbass behavior done for laughs is the reason it can be misunderstood by honest dumbasses.
I’ll defend shitposting here, because I think you’re simplifying it a bit too much.
Shitposting is so much more than “saying dumb stuff for shits n’ giggles”. First of all, as with anything else, there are good and bad shitposts. A good shitpost usually contains a solid undertone of irony or sarcasm. An important part of the humour is not just in “being dumb” it’s about using a statement that is dumb in a very specific way in combination with a specific context in order to create something funny.
Furthermore, a good shitpost uses exaggeration in a good way. The reader should preferably be “lured into” the post, not realising it’s a shitpost, before the notch is turned to 11 revealing that it was a shitpost. This adds an extra layer of humor and social commentary: The fact that the post at first seems believable forces you to recon with what kind of things you would actually believe someone could write. It also makes the target of the humor clear.
Shitposting may not be high art, but calling it “just being a cunt to someone” is missing the mark. “Just being a cunt to someone” is exactly that, and it’s not shitposting.
-fig 1 dweeb online tries to make it deeper than it is
Legit, what do you want my response to be to that.
My whole argument was that internet people think shit posting is something profound but it’s just shitposting.
Maybe I should have posted a crying wojak saying it so it’s Real Shitpost™ Art certified.
To be fair, I didn’t expect you to respond at all, and really just wanted to point out that calling a stranger you know nothing about a “dweeb” in response to something they wrote is a prime example of “just being a cunt to someone”. You didn’t need to respond, but you chose to do so by being a cunt.
Regardless, I think you missed some of the sarcasm in what I was writing (which, in hindsight, isn’t very clear). My point isn’t that shitposting is some form of high art. It’s that it’s a form of humor that amounts to more than saying provocative stuff or being a cunt. At it’s best, a shitpost can even contain some social commentary in the same way as caricatures can. Of course, as with all other humor, there are plenty of bad shitposts out there too, which are often just trolls trying to stir up shit.